Which Programming Languages You Should Learn?

Which Programming Languages You Should Learn

Speaking of the dynamic changes in the technological environment, a programmer must carefully choose the language, which can be provided by a multidimensional approach to the decision-making process. Though currently ahead of the game in identifying novel languages, a few additional parameters help with the discrimination.

Strategic Steps to Programming Literacy

Primarily, people desiring to gather programming literacy must define the purposes they aim to achieve and the field they wish to work in learning the language. Following this, the disciplined analysis of the market is equally important to identify the specific sectors or industries, which would be targeted for inroads, and then specific skill development initiatives could be designed and undertaken keeping in view the requirements of the selected industry.

Enhancing Learning Efficiency and Adaptability

Learning ease and efficiency become the ultimate goal and the availability of a wide range of learning resources begins to form a crucial factor. Localizing easily adjustable learning materials that are easy to grasp and acquire new knowledge is an important factor in providing an effective learning experience. Along with this, active involvement in a professional community and interaction with industry experts offer priceless chances to get mentored and exchange knowledge which boosts professional development.

Apart from that, identifying the need for the adaptability and lifelong learning is the key to the constant flux that exists in the technology world. By developing a mindset oriented toward unending transformation and learning, the workers will be given a tool for overcoming the challenges of tomorrow and for increasing their adaptability.

Top Programming Languages of 2024

JavaScript and Python are going to be major programming languages in 2024. These two languages are especially highly respected within the startup ecosystem. They are prominent for their adaptability and expanse, and they form the fundamentals of the backend frameworks deployed by a variety of startups, including “Django (Python)”, “Flask (Python)” and “NodeJS (JavaScript)”. JavaScript and Python are also noted to be easy to start with as they are accessible to beginners; thus, they would make ideal subjects for introductory skill acquisition.

For comprehensive insight, the following list enumerates the foremost programming languages anticipated to be in high demand in 2024.

  1. JavaScript
  2. Python
  3. Go
  4. Java
  5. Kotlin
  6. PHP
  7. C#
  8. Swift
  9. R
  10. Ruby
  11. C and C++
  12. Matlab
  13. TypeScript
  14. Scala
  15. SQL
  16. HTML
  17. CSS
  18. NoSQL
  19. Rust
  20. Perl

This collection is a complete guide for those who are finding themselves in the programming world of 2024. It is the place where they may get new ideas of the most popular languages that will dominate the technological sphere.


JavaScript, in 1995, was introduced but it has come to gain prominence as a vital high-level programming language in the structure of the World Wide Web. Created for browser development, its capabilities have shifted from its initial purpose and now include server-side website deployment and a diversity of non-browser applications. At the onset, it was merely dubbed “LiveScript” and later, at a later stage, got its present name, separate from Java despite historical links. Currently, Javascript is everywhere and it is being used on “97.8%” of websites and its flexibility and demand are being shown by its dominant position in organizations. We should also mention the JavaScript developer wage which is worth mentioning, its “average annual salary” (AAS) being around “$112,152”.


Python is a free-to-use language that offers a wide pallet of support modules, community-driven development, as well as easy integration with web services, which explains its popularity among beginner developers.  Renowned for its applicability in domains such as machine learning and deep learning, Python finds usage in diverse applications spanning “2D imaging”, “3D animation”, “video game development” and “popular web platforms”.

Notable beneficiaries include “YouTube”, “Quora” and “Instagram”. Python developers command an “average annual salary” of approximately $109,092.


The first original product coming out of Google in 2007; is one of the fastest-growing programming languages in the world due to its simplicity and ability to work with multiprocessor systems and large codebases. Large-scale projects with the support of the IT giants like “Google”, “Uber” and “Dropbox” which chose to use Go have become popular among these organizations. It has good scalability and supportability across multiple systems. Its growing utilization across the data science spectrum is among of the major factors because of its agility and high performance. The salaries of Go developers which are approximately “$141,654” per annum and can reach a peak of $261,000.


Java, a java programming language’s pinnacle, displays its flexibility and platform independence via its Write Once, Run Anywhere (WORA) paradigm. Supported by Oracle corporation, Java’s object approach guarantees cross-platform compatibility which is a common language among the Java community that comprises web applications, mobile apps, big data analytics and backend operations of popular websites like Google and Amazon. It is no exaggeration to say that with almost 3 billion devices that run Java apps Java’s ubiquitous status is beyond doubt.  Java developers typically receive an annual salary of approximately $109,225, highlighting the importance of their expertise.


It is a versatile programming language that offers compatibility with Java and embraces functional programming principles. Kotlin is eyed as the better alternative over Java in specific cases and is therefore used widely for Android applications and Web Application development too. Companies like Coursera and Pinterest stand out as prominent instances of organizations leveraging machine learning technology. The top earners of the Kotlin developers are around $171,500 while the other Kotlin developers earn an average annual salary of $136,000.


PHP, a famous open-source programming language launched in 1990 ranks among the best with more than 80% of the sites using this as the basic programming language among the most popular platforms like “Facebook” and “Yahoo”. It is almost solely used for creating server-side scripting. It is multi-faceted and can be applied to command-line scripting and desktop application development professionally.  Noted for its relative ease of acquisition, PHP engenders a supportive online community conducive to skill development. The “average annual salary” for PHP programmers approximates $107,409.


In the early 2000’s the C# which was created by Microsoft became commonly used because of its highly sophisticated object-oriented programming principles especially when it comes to the .NET framework. Distinguished by its alignment with C++ on Java, the C#, for example, performs well in “Windows”, “Android” and “iOS” software development as supported by the Microsoft Visual C++ integrated development environment. Known to work in backstage operations in eminent sites like Bing and DELL; C# programmers earn annual wages of $111,760 on average.


The famous Swift programming language was included in the top five of the TIOBE Index in 2014. It is an open-source language developed by Apple. The language is used in developing applications for Linux and Mac environments. Admired for its flexibility and flawless migration from Objective-C, Swift’s versatility is demonstrated by its utilization in iOS software development. That said, it is used in apps that include WordPress and SoundCloud. A swift transition to mastery where the language has elegant syntax, coupled with strong functional features, is what makes Swift the preferred option, and the salary averages around $106,652 for the average developer.


R is a successor of the S language; widely used for statistical algorithm creation, including modeling, calculations, visualization and analytics. The compatibility with existing S language code as well as different interface capabilities with databases and structured and unstructured data processing of R helps R link with various systems. However, R can be a modest learning board but you can learn the skills in its very active online developer community. The average annual wage for the R developers is roughly $90,940 per year.


Ruby was invented in the 1990s as a simplified and sophisticated method of programming. Highly acclaimed for its user-friendliness and it doesn’t compromise on its functions. Web application developers love Ruby due to its highly effective use in the Rails framework. Ruby excels with you can easily learn it and the fact that it has a vibrant community. The rapid growth of the number of new developers can be seen in a very vibrant Ruby community and on average the developers with Ruby annual salary of around $121,000 get paid.

C and C++

C is the basis of modern languages such as “C#”, “Java”, “JavaScript” and so on. C++, created as an extension of C, inherits the enhanced functionalities of its parent and is widely used by various environment-sensitive areas like game development and client/server systems. A typical C and C++ developer is paid about $118,366 annually, which is generally attributed to their portable and high-performance nature.



Matlab, a mathematically-oriented range developed by “MathWorks” in the mid-1980s. Primary used by scientists and engineers for machine learning and deep learning applications. Recognized due to its easy-to-use interface and in addition, the wide range of its data analysis tools and algorithms development, Matlab provides easy way into programming to the users. The average annual wage of a Matlab developer is estimated to be $100,760, which indicates that this technology is used in different scientific and engineering projects.


TypeScript presented by Microsoft in 2012 is a blazing-fast language which is picking up global momentum among programmers. This JS is the subclass of JavaScript, which is extremely fitting to large-scale tasks as it has improved error-trapping powers and prevention of problems that may systematically occur. TypeScript covers the whole range of applications, from client and server development, accepting the fact that it is an indispensable tool in software engineering of the present day. Moreover, this “mostly used tech” has been identified by the 2021 State of JavaScript Survey as the “most adopted tech,” indicating the expanding the size of its popularity. An average Rust developer makes around $78,335 a year in salary.


Scala is a language underlying both JVM and the Scala environment, which is a highly versatile language that is strongly typed. OOP and functional programming features embedded in Scala make it a first-class choice for finding the root cause of complex issues in large projects. Specifically, it has proven quite useful in many different areas, particularly among the users like “Twitter”, “Netflix” and “The New York Times”. Even though it may be intricate, Scala developers would still get an average annual pay of “127,005$”.


SQL, the standard database query language, helps users to retrieve and remodel the data from a database quickly. SQL has a long successful history and many companies are proudly using it for such applications as web applications and data warehouses. SQL stands out thanks to its speed and data reliability. But it might well be that the steepness of the learning curve is too much for newcomers and that the system is not able to go further than dealing with a relatively small database. Extrapolating, SQL is not the most reliable tool for problems like numerical processing or machine learning.


HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the main language that is used for developing websites and web applications. This HTML stands out because of its ability to include pictures, links and other useful content elements which makes it easy to learn for people working with web pages. Even though it provides the opportunity to build a well-organized site in a standards-compliant manner, HTML also shows some limitations. As a markup language, it enjoys rapid development but it still might be defeated by the program languages like JavaScript, making it a little more difficult to develop complex web applications. Also, the security risks from HTML call for thorough attention to inputting, likewise, the syntax complexity of HTML can create barriers to newcomers. However, HTML5 is considered a giant step as far as the standard is concerned because of multimedia support and better user interface, thus giving space for a more exciting and interactive web experience.


Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) serve as an integral part of the page describing languages, which describe the visual appearance of the web document produced in markup languages. CSS gains such control by creating standards of behavior for the client-side software (web browsers), it ends up being in the position to influence the layout and look of the HTML or XML content of the webpage.

CSS is a lot more useful than that, as it allows the styling of the myriads of HTML components such as text within the body, headers, paragraphs and other textual features. Furthermore, CSS controls the display features of grid formats, table domains and graphical content in the same way.


Non-relational databases such as NoSQL databases belong to the class of databases that are delightfully optimized for scalability and performance, especially used in big data applications displaying a distributed data environment.

NoSQL databases offer a storage approach that aligns closely with the data usage patterns of applications, requiring fewer transformations for storage or retrieval via NoSQL-style APIs. This enhances intuitiveness and ease of understanding in data management.


The language of Rust gained its place among other programming languages which are renowned for safety, concurrency and practicality in systems programming tasks. Besides being among those languages it can also be taken as a good option for the same jobs. Considered by many as the pioneer of quick performance execution, Rust showcases memory safety standards that kill off memory corruption and data race errors, which are the major concerns for high-quality software development.


Perl is a scripting language that is interpreted, high-level, and used for general-purpose programming. It was originated by Larry in 1987. Nevertheless, Perl is not abbreviated, but it is interchangeably used with different meanings, such as “Practical Extraction and Report Language,” to this day. The protocol started as a “Unix scripting language” just to have complicated report processing jobs easier and after numerous iterations and refinement, today it is an indeed powerful tool.

Perl is a programming language which contains its flexibility and outlined functionality, and it sports up virtually in disparate fields, such as “web development”, “network programming” and “system administration”.


Final Thoughts

In a nutshell, this article provides you with the information you need to make the right choice of a programming language depending on your dreams. It focuses on learning through strategy and discusses the many elements that are like the industry needs and personal goals. However, it emphasizes the fact that the top languages are JavaScript, Python and Go, which leads to the conclusion that older protagonists, like Java and C++, are also relevant. We touch upon R and Scala, two of the minor programming languages and also how adaptable is the programming world. The magnitude of this knowledge, coupled with your willingness to keep learning and adapt to the times will make anything possible for you in the programming world.

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