Basic Security Testing with Kali Linux Step by Step


Download Basic Security Testing with Kali Linux full PDF. Security experts may use the same tools and methods as hackers to find security weaknesses before attackers can thanks to the Ethical Hacking platform Kali Linux. This book’s earlier iterations have been utilized all over the globe as a basic primer on utilizing Kali Linux as a platform in the security industry. This comprehensive rewrite incorporates many new tools and techniques and is the result of years of valuable feedback from the education and security communities. Basic Security Testing with Kali Linux will teach you the fundamentals of how hackers gather information about your company, identify security flaws, gain access to your systems, and, most importantly, how to stop them.

Kali Linux is used primarily for advanced penetration testing and security auditing. Kali includes hundreds of tools for various information security tasks such as penetration testing, security research, computer forensics, and reverse engineering. This PDF file is very helpful and useful for developers, programmers and those who wants to interested in Kali Linux and want to learn more about this. You can easily download this file free of cost by the given link below.

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